
Got a video you want to share with the world?  Want to tell’s readers about your epic surf adventure?  Well then submit your information to us.  If your video or story seems like it would interest our readers, we will post it.

Video submissions

1.  Post your video on a video sharing site like YouTube, Vimeo, or similar.

2.  Send us an email by clicking here, and include a link to the posted video.

3.  Provide a description of the video in your email.

4.  We will review your video and determine if we will post it on

5.  We will send you an email with 48 hours letting you know our decision.  If we have decided to post your video, we will let you know the day on which your video will appear.

Travel Adventure Submissions

1.   Email a copy of your story and all pictures to this address.

2.  If you have accompanying video, follow the procedure for submitting videos that is outlined above.

3.   We will review your submission to determine if it would be of interest to our readers.

4.  We will send you an email informing you of our decision, and, if we have decided to post your story, we will tell you the date on which your story will appear.

Surf-Related Product Reviews

1.  Send a copy of the review to this email address.

2.  We will review your submission to ensure that it will be helpful to our readers.

3.  We will send you an email informing you of the date when you review will be posted.


You will not be paid for any submission.  All items submitted must be either public domain or copyrighted by the submitter. If we use your submission, we will be happy to provide a link to your email and one URL.  Please include information in your submission email as to whether you want to have any contact information included when your submission is posted to the public.