Well, this video proves that so long as you are good looking, society will reward you regardless of your skill levels.

And, for good measure, Jessica Alba . . .

Matt Archibold was a sick surfer and a crazy SOB. I cannot believe that he isn’t dead. But hey, don’t take my word for it, check out this video.

Some more Archy footage (skip to about :50 for the surfing to start):

Very impressive collection of Pipeline clips. Almost hypnotic.

Young Guns 3 action.

When Carroll was on, he was dominant. The amount of power he generated despite his short stature was incredible. As proof of that is “The Snap” which you can see in this video.

Further proof that Tom Curren was the best surfer of his generation.

For those of you who have not heard Bethany tell her story in her own words, you have to watch this video. Amazing. This girl rips.

Coco Ho a few years ago. Rhyme and rhythm . . . we got it all at DSV!